Yesterday, I talked with a group of folks in the History Department about this thing we’ve been kicking around the library called “Humanities Data”. Thanks to Dean Rehberger for the invite, and thanks also to Brandon Locke for hosting us in the newly launched LEADR lab. The presentation itself was in part a product of… Continue reading Humanities Data
Digital Environments: Design & Consequence
Wrapping up a great visit to San Jose, Costa Rica for the World History Association Conference. I delivered a paper, ‘Digital Environments: Design and Consequence”, and was joined by panelists Trevor Getz and Olivia Guntarik. During my talk I picked and pulled (responsibly, I hope) from Humanities Computing, Digital Humanities, and Library and Information Science… Continue reading Digital Environments: Design & Consequence
Digital Humanities Librarianship: Year One
While I have a moment before traveling to Costa Rica for the World History Association Conference, thought I’d share the slides from my presentation for the RUSA History Librarians Discussion Group. The theme of the panel was ‘Role/s of Humanities Librarians in the Digital Humanities’. It was awesome to talk with this group and all… Continue reading Digital Humanities Librarianship: Year One